Chronicle of the Middle East and North Africa

Architectural Design


Introduction Architectural Design

Architectural Design
This picture taken on December 13, 2021 shows a view of skycrapers in the Qatari capital Doha. – Photo by Karim SAHIB / AFP

Most of us spend our days inside building. Within these spaces, we live, work and carry out most of our activities; healthy buildings mean a healthier community. Architecture is not only the result of a successful country, but it can also be the key to one, for it shapes most of our cities. In this section, we will discuss how architectural design affects quality of life through different parameters and its role in shaping a sustainable community.

Architectural Design Publications

This file is in development, below is a list of publications we have planned to publish soon. If you want to contribute please click here.


Quality of life is one of the main concerns of anyone residing in the 21 countries of the Middle East and North Africa covered by Fanack. Together with our network of global contributors, we define what regional residents want, what they need, and in which space they are most comfortable in.

Fanack’s Urbanism topics are explored from a regional, local, and city-level perspective. Fanack aims to link the below topics to their effect on the quality of life in cities in the MENA region on both local and regional levels.

Contribute to the Urban History Topic
If you want to contribute please click here.

Support Fanack Urbanism

With broad support Fanack triggers conversations that directly propose solutions to better the quality of those living in the region. Our Urbanism project solely depends on donations from supporters worldwide.