Chronicle of the Middle East and North Africa

Historical Documents on the Conflict

A downloadable compilation of the most significant documents related to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

The Hague Convention
October 18, 1907

The Husayn-McMahon Correspondence

Balfour Declaration
November 2, 1917

League of Nations Mandate for Palestine
July 24, 1922

UNGA-Resolution 181 (II) (Partition Plan)
November 29, 1947

Plan Dalet (Plan D)
March 10, 1948

UNGA-Resolution 194 (III) (Right of Return and Compensation)
December 11, 1948

Israel-Egypt General Armistice Agreement
February 24, 1949

Israel-Lebanon General Armistice Agreement
March 23, 1949

Israel-Jordan General Armistice Agreement
April 3, 1949

UNGA-Resolution 273 (III) (Admission Israel to UN)

May 11, 1949

Lausanne Protocol
May 12, 1949

Israel-Syria General Armistice Agreement
July 20, 1949

Fourth Geneva Convention
August 12, 1949

UNGA-Resolution 303 (IV) (Jerusalem and Holy Places)
December 9, 1949

Palestine National Charter

Allon Plan
July 26, 1967

Khartoum Resolutions (League of Arab States)
September 1, 1967

UNSC-Resolution 242
November 22, 1967

Palestine National Charter (amended)

Rogers Plan
December 9, 1969

UNGA-Resolution 2535 (rights Palestinian refugees)
December 10, 1969

UNGA-Resolution 2649 (right of self-determination peoples)
November 30, 1970

UNGA-Resolution 2672 (self-determination Palestinian people)
December 8, 1970

UNSC-Resolution 338
October 22, 1973

UNSC-Resolution 11169 (Geneva Conference)
December 24, 1973

UNSC-Resolution 11198 (Israel-Egypt disengagement)
January 18, 1974

Israel-Syria Separation of Forces Agreement
May 31, 1974

Palestinian National Council 10-Point Political Program

June 9, 1974

UNGA-Resolution 3210 ( PLO – representative Palestinian people)
October 14, 1974

League of Arab States (PLO sole legitimate representative)
October 28, 1974

UNGA-Resolution 3236 (Recognition Rights Palestinian people)
November 22, 1974

UNGA-Resolution 3237 (XXIX) (UN Observer Status PLO)
November 22, 1974

Israel-Egypt Interim Agreement
September 4, 1975

UNSC-Resolution 425 (Israeli occupation of Lebanon)
March 19, 1978

Israel-Egypt Framework for Peace in the Middle East
September 17, 1978

Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty
March 27, 1979

Venice Declaration (EC)
June 13, 1980

Annexation East Jerusalem
July 27, 1980

UNSC-Resolution 478 (condemnation annexation East Jerusalem)
August 20, 1980

Fahd Plan
August 7, 1981

USA-Israel Strategic Cooperation Agreement

November 30, 1981

Annexation Golan Heights
December 14, 1981

UNSC-Resolution 497 (condemnation annexation Golan Heights)
December 17, 1981

Reagan Plan
September 1, 1982

Israel-Lebanon Peace Treaty
May 17, 1983

Geneva Declaration on Palestine
October 12, 1983

London Agreement
April 11, 1987

Palestinian National Council Endorses UNSC-Resolutions 242 and 338
November 15, 1988

Declaration of Independence of Palestine
November 15, 1988

Shamir Plan
May 14, 1989

Madrid Declaration (EU)
June 27, 1989

Madrid Conference
October 30, 1991

Declaration of Principles
September 13, 1993

Israel-Jordan Common Agenda
September 14, 1993

Paris Protocol
April 29, 1994

Gaza – Jericho Agreement (Oslo I)
May 4, 1994

Washington Declaration (Israel-Jordan-USA)

July 25, 1994

Israel-Jordan Peace Treaty
October 26, 1994

Interim Agreement (Oslo II)
September 28, 1995

Beilin-Abu Mazen Document
October 31, 1995

Palestine National Charter (revised)

Hebron Protocol
January 15, 1997

Arafat-Clinton Letter
January, 1998

Sharm al-Sheikh Memorandum
September 4, 1999

Wye River Memorandum
October 23, 1998

Joint Statement Clinton-Barak
July 19, 1999

Trilateral Statement Camp David Summit
July 25, 2000

Clinton Parameters
January 7, 2001

Mitchell Plan – Sharm al-Sheikh Fact-Finding Committee
April 30, 2001

Tenet Plan
June 13, 2001

Moratinos Document (Taba Talks)
August, 2001

League of Arab States Peace Initiative (1)
March 28, 2002

UNSC-Resolution 1397 (Palestinian State)
March 12, 2002

Nusseibeh-Ayalon Agreement

July 27, 2002

Roadmap to Peace in the Middle East
April 30, 2003

Israel’s Road Map Reservations
May 25, 2003

ICJ Advisory Opinion concering the Wall
May 6, 2003

Geneva Accord
October 12/December 1, 2003

UNSC-Resolution 1515 (Roadmap)
November 19, 2003

Bush-Sharon Letters
April 14, 2004

UNGA-Resolution ICJ-Wall
August 2, 2004

Sharon’s Unilateral Disengagement Plan
January 25, 2005

Hamas Proposal

League of Arab States Peace Initiative (2)
March 29, 2007

Annapolis Conference
November 27, 2007

History of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict

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